Saturday, November 6, 2010

Placing the rubber

Putting the rubber on proved to be the hardest part.

The rubber that I am using is the best in the world and due to its properties high contact adhesive did not suit this application of tensioned adhesion.

Unfortunately for me, I did not put enough time into how the rubber would attach to the chair as I should have, and due to the rubber's 900% elongation (standard rubbers only have 100-200% elongation) it was far trickier than I had imagined.

However, after working with my weave for quite a while, the finished product turn out quite nicely. What's better is that thanks to the rubber's other natural properties (double non-slip surface) I only need to use two screws (for 4.5 individual pieces of rubber). I then managed to double wrap the chair in rubber to hide the screw points and have a very smooth weave all the way around.

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